1. A.K. Gopalan vs The State Of Madras (1950)

  • Theme : Right to life SC took a narrow view of Article 21.

2. Romesh Thapar v State of Madras (1950)

  • Theme : Freedom of speech and expression
  • SC ruled that freedom of speech lay at the foundation of all democratic organisations.
  • The full court ruled that the imposition of pre-censorship on a journal is a restriction on the liberty of the press, which is an essential part of the right to freedom of speech and expression under Art 19 (1)(a)

3. Kedar Nath Singh vs State Of Bihar (1962)

  • Theme : Sedition Law
  • The Supreme Court of India upheld the constitutional validity of the provisions of the Indian Penal Code that penalized sedition.

4. Shankari Prasad Singh Deo vs Union of India (1951)

  • Theme : Amendability of Fundamental Rights
  • This case dealt with the amendability of Fundamental Rights (the First Constitutional Amendment Act’s validity was challenged). 
  • The SC contended that the Parliament’s power to amend under Article 368 also includes the power to amend the Fundamental Rights guaranteed in Part III of the Constitution.
  • Further, it said that a constitutional amendment act enacted to abridge or take away the fundamental rights is not void of article 13(2).

5. Berubari Union case (1960) 

  • Theme : Article 3 related
  • The Supreme Court examined Article 3 in detail and held that the Parliament cannot make laws under this article in order to execute the Nehru-Noon agreement.
  • Hence, the 9th Constitutional Amendment Act was passed to enforce the agreement.

6. Golaknath Vs State of Punjab (1967)

  • Theme: Right to Property - is it a Fundamental Right?
  • Supreme Court ruled that Parliament doesn’t have the power to restrict any of the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution.

7. Rustom Cavasjee Cooper vs Union Of India - 1970

  • Theme : Ordinance making power
  • The ordinance making power of the president can be questioned if his satisfaction can be questioned on the grounds of malafide.

8. DC Wadhwa case 1987

  • Court held that re promulgation of ordinances with the same text, without giving any chance to house to pass it, would amount to a violation of the constitution and can be struck down.

9. Krishna Kumar Singh vs State of Bihar 2017

  • SC ruled that ordinances are subject to judicial review, and do not automatically create enduring effects.

10.  Kesavananda Bharati vs State of Kerala case (1973)

  • Theme : Basic structure of the Constitution
  • Declared that Article 31C of the constitution which was inserted by 24th Constitutional Amendment to give unrestricted powers to parliament in enacting a law which is against judicial review.
  • SC felt that judicial review is the basic structure of the constitution and is amendable even under Article 368.
  • It opened the floodgates for interpretation of what constitutes the Basic Structure of the constitution which is discussed over many cases.

11.  Maneka Gandhi vs UoI case (1978)

  • Theme: Expansion of rights under Article 21
  • The Court reiterated that the term ‘personal liberty’ is of “the widest amplitude and it covers a variety of rights which go to constitute the personal liberty of a man.”

12. Minerva Mill vs Union of India (1980)

  • Theme: Basic Structure of the Constitution
  • SC said that a limited amending power itself is a basic feature of the Constitution.
  • SC ruled that Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles are required to be viewed as the two sides of the same coin.

13. Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab(1980)

  • Theme: Death Penalty
  • The Supreme Court, had laid down that life imprisonment is the rule and death sentence is an exception and thus, certain guidelines should be followed

14. MA Khan vs Shah Bano Case (1985)

  • Theme: Secularism
  • Regarding Maintenance of Shah Bano and her children after Divorce
  • Under the Islamic law she was eligible for only one time maintenance of 5400
  • The SC decided it in favour of Shah Bano using secular criminal procedure code regardless of religion.

15. Indira Sawhney vs Union of India case (1992 )

  • Theme: Reservations
  • Backward class of citizens in Article 16(4) can be identified on the basis of the caste system & not only on economic basis.
  • Article 16(4) permits classification of backward classes into backward & more backward classes.
  • Reservation shall not exceed 50%.
  • Reservation can be made by the ‘EXECUTIVE ORDER’.
  • No reservation in promotion.

16. S R Bommai vs Union of India (1994)

  • Theme: Centre state Relations – Article 356
  • The verdict concluded that the power of the President to dismiss a State government is not absolute.
  • The verdict said the President should exercise the power only after his proclamation (imposing his/her rule) is approved by both Houses of Parliament.
  • Till then, the Court said, the President can only suspend the Legislative Assembly
  • Federalism was declared as Basic Structure

17. Ramamurthy v. State of Karnataka(1996)

  • Theme : Prison Reforms
  • Directed government to bring uniformity nationally of prison laws and prepare a draft model prison manual.

18. Vishaka and Others vs State of Rajasthan (1997)

  • Theme: Women’s Issues
  • SC mentioned that it’s the duty of the employer and other at work to prevent or deter possible acts of sexual harassment
  • Provided for a range of behaviour which can be termed as sexual harassment
  • Mandated to create Complaints committee

19. Dr. T.M.A Pai Foundation V. State Of Karnataka (2002)

  • Theme : Minority institutions
  • The right under Article 30(1) is not absolute or above the law”
  • The essence of Article 30(1) was “to ensure equal treatment between the majority and the minority institutions” and that rules and regulations would apply equally to majority and minority institutions.

20. Union of India v. Association for Democratic Reforms (2002)

  • Theme : Voter’s right to know
  • The court read in ‘Right to Be Informed’ as a right flowing from freedom of speech and expression. The Election Commission was directed to secure affidavits by candidates recording all particulars relating to past or pending criminal charges or cases against them.

21. Lily Thomas case vs Union of India (2004)

  • Theme: Disqualifications of representatives and Decriminalisation of Politics
  • SC judgement ensured that any representative who is convicted for more than 2 years stand disqualified for the sentence term and till 6 years after the completion of the sentence.

22. M. Nagaraj vs Union of India Case (2006)

  • Theme : Reservations
  • SC validated parliament’s decision to extend reservations for SCs and STs to include promotions with three riders.

23. Prakash Singh Vs Union of India (2007)

  • Theme : Police reforms
  • SC instructed central and state governments to comply with a set of seven directives laying down practical mechanisms to kick-start reform.

24. I.R. Coelho vs State of Tamil Nadu (2007)

  • Theme: Basic Structure Doctrine vs 9th Schedule provisions
  • The judgment in I.R. Coelho vigorously reaffirms the doctrine of basic structure.
  • This 2007 judgement has already upheld authority of judiciary to review any law including those that have been placed under the 9th Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
  • Judicial Review was declared Basic structure

25. The CPIO, Supreme Court of India v. Subhash Chandra Agarwal (2009)

  • Theme : RTI and Supreme court
  • Chief Justice’s office is a “Public Authority” within the meaning of the Right to Information (RTI) Act as it performs numerous administrative functions in addition to its adjudicatory role.

26. SK Koushal v Naz foundation case 377(2013)

  • Theme: Vulnerable sections - LGBT
  • The Supreme Court decriminalised consensual adult sex saying sexual orientation is natural and people have no control on it.
  • But portions of Section 377 relating to sex with minors, non-consensual sexual acts such as rape, and bestiality remain in force.

27. Navtej Singh Johar vs Union of India (2017)

  • Theme: LGBT community
  • In this landmark verdict, the Supreme Court scrapped the controversial Section 377– a 158-year-old colonial law on consensual gay sex.
  • The Supreme Court reversed its own decision and said Section 377 is irrational and arbitrary.
  • “LGBT Community has same rights as of any ordinary citizen. Respect for individual choice is the essence of liberty.
  • LGBT community possesses equal rights under the constitution. Criminalising gay sex is irrational and indefensible.

28. People’s Union of Civil Liberties vs Union of India case (2013)

  • Theme: NOTA- Right of citizens to cast negative vote
  • SC held that Right to vote also includes a right not to vote and remain neutral.
  • Right to secrecy is the integral part of free and fair elections. People who didn't vote shouldn't be victimized.

29. Common Cause vs UoI (2013) aka Aruna Shanbaug Case

  • Theme: Right to die with dignity & Article 21
  • Supreme Court of India has held that right to die with dignity is a fundamental right. The Bench also held that passive euthanasia and a living will also legally valid.

30. National Legal Services Authority vs Union of India (2014)

Transgender as ‘third gender’

  • Theme: Vulnerable Sections - Transgender
  • It is a landmark decision by the Supreme Court of India, which declared transgender people to be a 'third gender', affirmed that the fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution of India will be equally applicable to transgender people.
  • It also gave them the right to self-identification of their gender as male, female or third-gender.

31. Shatrughan Chauhan vs UOI (2014)

  • Theme : Delay in execution of Death penalty.
  • The undue delay by President in rejecting mercy to a death row convict amounts to torture.
  • The suffering that comes with anticipating death on an everyday basis for the judges amounted to torture, which was violative of the Right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution.

32. Shreya Singhal vs UoI (2015) Freedom of speech

  • Theme: Freedom of Speech online
  • The SC declared Section 66A of IT Act as unconstitutional and struck it down.
  • The court said such a law, which was often misused by police in various states to arrest innocent persons for posting critical comments about social and political issues and leaders on social networking sites, hit at the root of liberty and freedom of expression, the two cardinal pillars of democracy.

33. National Judicial Appointments Commission Case (2015)

  • Theme - Separation of Powers
  • SC had declared the 99th Constitutional Amendment Act and NJAC Act unconstitutional

34. Rajeev Kumar Gupta & Ors vs Union Of India & Ors (2016)

  • Theme : Reservations / PwDs
  • In a landmark case argued by the Disability Law Initiative, the Supreme Court on 30th June 2016 held as illegal the Government of India instructions disallowing reservation in promotion for persons with disabilities, and said that wherever posts are identified to be suitable for disabled persons, 3% reservation must be given in direct recruitment as well as in promotion.

35. Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) vs UoI (2017)

  • Theme: Privacy and Fundamental Rights
  • The Judgement holds that the Right to Privacy is protected as a fundamental constitutional right under Articles 14, 19 and 21 of the Constitution of India.
  • Unanimously the court held that “the right to privacy is protected as an intrinsic part of the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 and as a part of the freedoms guaranteed by Part III of the Constitution”.
  • It explicitly overrules previous judgements of the Supreme Court in Kharak Singh vs State of UP and M.P Sharma vs Union of India

36. Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd) vs UoI (2017)

  • Theme: Aadhar and Right to Privacy
  • Supreme Court on September 26, 2018 ruled that Aadhaar was constitutional but making it mandatory for availing government services was unconstitutional.
  • So, while Aadhaar-PAN linking is mandatory, banks and telecom companies cannot ask people to link their bank accounts and mobile numbers with Aadhaar. This is unconstitutional.
  • It also means that banks and mobile phone companies can't anymore insist on Aadhaar number to verify your details when you seek a new connection or open a new bank account.

37. Triple Talaq ShayaraBano Case (2017)

  • Theme: Gender Equality vs Freedom of Religion
  • The Supreme Court declared that divorce through instant triple talaq among Muslims would be "void", "illegal" and "unconstitutional". This judgment has the effect of law.

38. Ban on Diwali firecrackers in Delhi (2017)

  • Theme: Air Pollution/Environment
  • In 2018 October, Ruling out a blanket ban on firecrackers in Delhi-National Capital Region, the Supreme Court has permitted the sale of ‘green crackers’

39. Sabu Mathew George vs Union Of India (2017)

  • Theme : Internet freedom / Freedom of expression online
  • Supreme Court ordered the respondents, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo to ‘auto-block’ advertisements relating to sex selective determination.

40. Indian Young Lawyers Association vs State of Kerala (2018)

Women can now enter Sabarimala

  • Theme: Freedom of religion vs Gender equality.
  • On September 28, a five-judge Constitution bench, verdict had paved the way for entry of women of all ages into the shrine, saying the ban amounted to gender discrimination.
  • Court observed that the custom of barring women was in violation of Article 25 (Clause 1) and Rule 3(b) of Kerala Hindu Places of Worship.

41. Adultery 2018 SC Judgement - Joseph Shine Vs Union of India

  • Theme: Adultery is not a crime
  • The Supreme Court declared Section 497 as unconstitutional. Adultery is no longer a crime but if it leads to someone committing suicide, the act will be treated as a crime - abetment to suicide.
  • And while, Adultery is no longer a crime, but it will continue to be grounds for divorce.

42. Judicial Proceedings - Swapnil Tripathi vs SC - 2018

  • Theme: Transparency in Judicial Proceedings
  • Sunlight is the best disinfectant," said the Supreme Court bench and ordered live-streaming and video recording of the court proceedings yesterday, September 26, 2018.

43. SC/ST Reservation case 2018 - Jarnail Singh vs LN Gupta

  • Theme: SC/STATEMENT Reservation and applicability of Creamy layer

44. Power tussle between Delhi Government and Lt. Governor - Govt of NCT of Delhi vs UoI - 2018

  • Theme: Federalism
  • Calling for Constitutional pragmatism and underlining the clear separation of powers, the bench made it clear that “the status of the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi is not that of a Governor of a State, rather he remains an Administrator, in a limited sense, working with the designation of Lieutenant Governor”.

45. Verdict on Rohingya Crisis - Md. Salimullah vs UoI (2018)

  • Theme: Deportation vs Refugee Rights
  • The Supreme Court Thursday rejected the plea to stop the deportation of seven Rohingya immigrants to Myanmar from Assam.

46. SC/ST Act 1989 - SC Judgement (2018)

  • Theme: Protection for Vulnerable Sections
  • In 2018, the Supreme Court had diluted the law’s provisions and had said public servants cannot be arrested immediately after a complaint is filed against them under the law.
  • It also allowed for anticipatory bail which wasn’t the case in the SC/ST Act 1989.
  • However, the Parliament passed an amendment bill in August 2018 to reverse the verdict.

47. Anuradha Bhasin vs Union of India (2020)

  • Theme : Fundamental right
  • In a significant ruling, the Supreme Court said that ( Also in Faheema Shirin vs State of Kerala , had same judgement) access to the Internet is a fundamental right under Article 19 of the Constitution, and asked the Jammu and Kashmir administration to review within a week all orders imposing curbs in the Union Territory.
  • Section 144 CrPC (prohibitory orders) cannot be used indefinitely to suppress freedom of speech and expression and difference of opinion.
  • The bench said access to Internet is a fundamental right under Article 19 of the Constitution, subject to some restrictions and said freedom of press is a valuable and sacred right.

48. National Federation Of Societies For Fast Justice & Anr. Vs. Union of India (2020)

  • Theme : Gram Nayalayas
  • The Supreme Court has directed all the states to come out with notifications for establishing ‘Gram Nyayalayas’ within a month and has asked the HighCourts to expedite process of consultation with state governments on this issue.

49. The Secretary, Ministry of Defence Vs Babita Puniya (2020)

  • Theme : Women Empowerment
  • The Supreme Court, in a landmark judgment on 17 February, granted permanent commission to women officers in the Army irrespective of their number of years of service. The women officer-litigants had been fighting the case for 14 years.